Saturday, November 25, 2006

Pump up the Volume

STILL texturing!!! Decision time soon....have to get on with other things. I've just started trying out a bit of volumetric noise, and I think it might just work out.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Where DOES the time go?

Hi. It's sunday evening....again! Blimey. Hello Dan if you're reading this. This course has too many things that aren't animation, like essays and presentations and other stuff that I don't want to do. But there you go, that's the government for you.
So I've created my own corduroy-ish type texture in photoshop. Actually I'm rather pleased with it. There is hopefully a picture or two. My thoughts are now moving towards some kind of displacement map, to produce a slight FLUFF effect. That could really make it. Of course I actually know nothing of displacement maps, but I have been watching a tutorial dvd about hypershade and materials - my god it's boring! I really enjoyed the ones about modelling and uv texture mapping but this.....this! Maybe it's just the guy's voice (shudder).
What I do know is it's time for action. I've spent a LOT of time preparing for this model , and that texture, but now I need to create final versions and stick with them. At least we've got a huge dissertation to write - I'm sure that will get me a job...NOT!!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Texture Breakthrough

Having warched the Gnomon UV mapping dvd 3 times, I now appear to understand every single part of it. I am in shock! I am extremely pleased about it aswell. I really have learned so much in the last few weeks.
To create this UV map I created separate shells from selected faces using planar mapping. Then I was able to adjust the UVs to suit my needs.
All I need to do now is find a suitable texture and maybe do a bit of re-modelling.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday....Bloody Sunday!

It's sunday morning. I have no hangover, which is an unusual event. By the end of Friday I was getting quite enraged by my attempts to texture Knitwit. I keep trying and trying but he looks quite awful!!!!
Just before end of play Friday I chatted to Jim on MSN and he calmed me down a bit. I have come to the conclusion that a truly knitted texture is not going to happen. I think I would need to model it, otherwise it looks all flat along the edges. Besides that, having spent a day totally away from the project and my computer, I'm not sure a huge texture would match in with the other characters. Jim linked me to a picture of Muffin from Toy Story 2. His texture would be ideal for what I am doing. Of course Pixar have gangs of incredibley talented people working for years to create their films, but at least it's something to aim for. The texture itself is a soft, much smaller weave than the one I had in mind, but I think it would work very well. The main thing is that Knitwit appears to be soft.
I have also decided to model in seams, which should help me when texturing aswell as looking more professional.
The picture shows another failed attempt. I was also having a quick muck about with the 3d paint tool. It's use is definitely limited, but may be useful.
The good news however is that we have a lesson on sound tomorrow (to which I am very much looking forward) and the script and storyboard are essentially completed. We will therefore have no problem completing our animatic on time. Good work Julian.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tests, tests, tests

I am now using a basic IK rig on the body, along with the blend shape. Again, new territory for me. It all appears to be working. But uh-oh! I smell weight-painting. Noooooooooo!

More Rope (wool)

Self-explanatory title.

Get in Shape you Knitwit!

After much deliberation, I have decided to alter Julian's vision of Knitwit and give him a body that leans a little more towards the human - half sack, half humanish. It is the first time I have used the Sculpt Geometry and Soft Modification tools - how very handy they are.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


So much time spent on attempted texturing. It's a git!

This one makes for a lovely cushion!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Wow! So many problems just with bump mapping. Still, you learn a lot when it keeps going wrong.
I've come up with a couple more. Possibly some light at the end of the tunnel now.

Texture Madness

Today I have been mostly trying.....
My first bump maps. A tricky business it all is, and no mistake. I am currently unwrapping UVs and trying not to go insane in the process. It's all good fun though, and I certainly am learning an awful lot at the moment.
The only major rpoblem with my texturing so far is that I HATE them all. But on the plus side I can at least now experiment with the little I now know about texturing.
Actually, having just looked at the middle picture, that texture isn't too upsetting...just not how I pictured it.
I have also re-modelled the head and body. They are now more pinched at the edges and contain less polygons, which means they texture better. Hurrah.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Battle of the Buttons

Upon deciding to represent the thread and holes in the buttons with a texture, I proceeded to 3d paint them in maya. For some reason however the texture wouldn't stay if I moved the object - even the mighty Matt Beale couldn't solve the mystery! So instead I have created a UV map and painted my trompe-l'eouil buttons in photoshop.
Here are three contenders.
Thanks to Rag for the quick lesson in UV mapping.

Wool, the great challenge!

Realistic (ish) wool, here I come.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Stupid wool

I am currently attempting to replicate wool for Knitwit's arms.
It is proving very tricky!
BUT I'm getting there, with a million billion polys.