Wednesday, June 06, 2007

More Photoshop Adjustment

The clue is in the title. Upping the red is certainly what's coming through for me.
Minor disaster yesterday. Julian accidentally dragged his hard-drive off of his computer and it didn't enjoy the bang. He is now unable to access his last two days animation and has lost his major file-ferrying tool. Not ideal. He took it well though. I wouldn't have! Real shame, what he had done was really good. Maybe it will be even better the second time round.


Blogger Julian said...

well, ive now bought a shock proof external harddrive. its says you can throw it and everything!

it comes either tomorrow or friday! just in time for weekend animation madness.

I'll have the boy all done by monday!

redoing my lost work tomorrow

night pig


4:51 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Please don't try throwing it!

7:22 PM  

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